Thursday, December 16, 2010


As the snow begins to stick outside and the beginning of the weekend dawns, excitement is slowly beginning to overcome me for multiple reasons. First, and foremost, Andrew is finished his ships and passed his state pilot exam. In no way do I wish to belittle this task for it has taken seven years of hard work to get to this point. And now, Andrew can enjoy the fruits of his labor. Consequently, no more going out each week for five days at a clip and piloting an insane number of ships. No more weeks of no sleep for him. He has his life back and once February 4th roles around - he'll be an official pilot. Secondly, I'm also finished school. Yet another semester in the bag for me. This is generally a bright time of the year - Christmas break. Thirdly, Andrew and I planned a trip to New York for this weekend. Ever since we got together, we've talked about touring around where Andrew went to school - Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy. I'm looking forward to seeing a piece of his life that I was not around for. Then, we'll head into the city. I'm looking foward to taking lots of pictures to share with my faithful Blog readers...


  1. wonderful!

    {enjoy the city! such a fabulous place!}

  2. Did you take that gorgeous yellow-tree picture?

  3. I've never been to NYC at Christmas time. Take lots of pics! Have fun!

  4. Surprise, surprise! Was a little more exciting that you thought when you wrote this, eh? Love you, love you, Mom
