Monday, November 29, 2010

Help needed.

Our law office pitches in to give Dean (our boss) a Christmas gift every year. Last year, we gave he and his wife a gift certificate to a restaurant. This year we wanted to be slightly more creative.

Any ideas?

What do you want for Christmas?


  1. As a bosses wife, restaurant gift cards are alway appreciated.
    We have given gift certificates to the Hyatt in Cambridge WITH the brochure for the Delmarva(Eastern Shore) weekend specials attached to it. They are pretty reasonable for a night(or two) and make a nice getaway.

  2. If they are outdoor types, how bout a gift card to a kayak trip(available somewhere in Salisbury) or perhaps up their way or some other outdoor activity.(Golf)?

  3. YES! the hyatt idea has been a big hit-two different bosses I've had LOVED it from us in the office:) and there are some great dining spots in cambridge and easton;)
    restaurant gift cards never get old though!
    also, designer's edge has(think they still do) couples packages for spa services!

  4. ...and all I really want for Christmas is an uninterrupted nap;D
    But I wouldn't turn down food scented candles, a year's supply of (la croix) grapefruit sparkling water and new dishtowels:)
